Conference's Programme
The programme of the conference features a combination of high-level keynote talks (30') by internationally renowned specialists, short talks (15') selected by the Organising Committee of the conference upon proposals of the researchers, and posters. The presentation of the communications of the CHIST-ERA Conference 2011 (keynote and short talks, posters) will be continuously updated in the course of the summer. The detailed presentation of the communications is available here.
The presentations of the 5th of September fall in the area of the call 2011 topic Green ICT, towards Zero Power ICT and the 6th of September is dedicated to the topic From Data to New Knowledge. In addition, the 6th comprises a specific information session with recommendations to the applicants to the call 2011.
All the attendees are kindly invited to a tour of the Jameson Distillery and then for dinner at Ballymaloe House on the 5th in the evening!
The Conference is mainly supported by the European Union through the Future and Emerging Technologies programme and receives the additional kind support of the French Embassy in Ireland.