Catherine Garbay

Sensemaking In Socio-physical Environments: Toward Comprehensive Holistic Modeling
Catherine Garbay
Who is: 

Dr. Catherine Garbay is a research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) working in the Computer Science Laboratory of Grenoble, France.

Abstract of communication: 

Sensemaking is constitutive of human action, governance and organization. Information growth, under Web 4.0 or Open Data initiatives, requests models toward a sense of unity, grounding information management on shared values and norms. Sensemaking calls for comprehensive approaches mixing physical/social laws, analytical/naturalistic modeling, autonomy/dependability (sustaining awareness in unanticipated evolutions vs supporting coconstruction of meaning by physical-digital-human societies). Holistic visions are needed to understand what organizations, processes and regulations facilitate sensemaking under critical constraints, and how they are altered along this process.

From Data to New Knowledge
14:45, September 6
Short talk
PDF icon Presentation Catherine Garbay.pdf5.57 MB